Hello Mr. Flath, thank you so much for responding to my message. I just got back from vacation and was able to receive it. I was originally going to mail you a card, but after numerous tries, I simply could not fit what I needed to say. So, I thank you again for sending me your email, because I finally have the space to give you all of my emotions.
As today marks the one-month anniversary of Jonn's passing, I have found that today is the most fitting day to remember Jonn and send you my thoughts. I unfortunately didn't get to know Jonn as well as other people did. When I was a sophomore, Jonn was a senior. Because of this, I never had any classes with him. Regardless, I still looked up to him. My friends on the volleyball team always told me how funny or nice Jonn was.
I will never forget the day I truly got to meet Jonn. Before I got to know him, I always watched him on WRTV and looked up to him as a role model. His confidence, talent, and kindness just truly inspired me. I got to experience these qualities of Jonn when WRTV took a field trip last semester. The new WRTV crew went to Universal Studios to get to know each other and bond. We all agreed to meet up at Water World some time after lunch. The time came and everyone eventually showed up. To fully commemorate the experience, we all had to get completely soaked from the falling water jugs multiple times. All the guys had to take off their shirts, take off their socks, and put their shoes back on while doing this. Since I moved from Arizona in 2009, I didn’t really know that many people. I remember being shy and a little hesitant at first to throw myself in with the rest of group. Jonn noticed this and walked up to me. He said, “C’mon, you need to join us! I had to do this when I first joined,” I was still hesitant and said, “I know, I know, I will,” Truthfully, I didn’t really want to. Before this point, I was just really shy and didn’t feel completely accepted in this group. But then Jonn said something that I will never forget. He said, “Listen, you’re gonna do awesome on this crew! We all help each other no matter what the situation looks like.” Those few words completely lifted me up. I joined the group in the water and I finally felt happy. When we were done, I spotted Jonn on the other side of the area. He glanced over and gave me his signature smile. Because of that day, Jonn made me feel accepted. I finally felt like I truly belonged. Jonn treated me like he treated everyone else: with kindness and respect.
After that event, Jonn always said "Hi" to me when he saw me. Whether it was walking through the halls or when he worked at In-n-Out, he smiled and talked to me. And every time he talked to me, it was like he knew me for years. He always listened and was extremely friendly.
I still remember September 21st. I had to stop by the Video room to pick up a flash drive. As I scanned the room, there was Jonn, sitting in the back, resting his head like he always did. I smiled, knowing that Jonn went out of his way to see his friends. I left the room and went on with my day. That weekend, I left for Arizona to go and see my family. During this time, I never went on Facebook or texted any of my friends. When I got back on Sunday, I did my usual: catch up on my emails, respond, and browse through Facebook. When I logged on, the first thing that popped up was my friend announcing Jonn's death.
...I was shocked. Just a few days before, I had seen Jonn, alive and well. I kept thinking to myself, "Well, that can't happen. Jonn isn't dead." But he was. As I continued to look, everyone was mourning for Jonn. I was so devastated. I was devastated that such a man died so young, that you and your family had to go through that pain, and that the world wouldn't be the same.
So I prepared myself for Monday. I walked into WRTV knowing that we would give his memorial. The room was silent with grief as Kalie prepared the video. Everyone's faces were glazed with sadness. The video began to play and everyone started watching. Seeing Jonn again brought tears to my eyes, but I knew that that moment wasn't the time yet. It wasn't the exact time to fully mourn. But then Chet walked into the room. He took one look at the video and began weeping. With that, he embraced Blayke and they wept. After seeing that, I lost it. I, too, began weeping. To see Chet, one of Jonn's closest friends, to be so hurt, just broke my heart. And to see everyone else, my crew, my new family, weeping in sorrow, just hurt me more. But nothing prepared me for what came next.
Before the show started, Mrs. O told us that you and your family were here to watch the memorial with us. I saw you walk in, and I had to look away. I just couldn't bear to see the pain you were all experiencing. As we watched the memorial video, I continued to imagine what you were going through. But I simply couldn't....
After the video, I remember you standing up and giving a quick remembrance of Jonn and information about his memorial service. It was at that time that I looked into your eyes and I finally saw it. I finally saw the pain, misery, and suffering that you had to go through again. My heart was finally shattered.
No family should have to go through the suffering you are experiencing. To have such a person leave this world is just horrible. Mr. Flath, ever since I got home, my family and I have been praying for you. There hasn't been a single day where I haven't thought about you guys. Jonn was one of the most caring, respectable, and Christian men I have ever met in my life. I only wish I got to know him more.
Many people are mourning because they feel Jonn is lost. But in fact we should be celebrating. A person isn't lost when you know where they are. Jonn has simply moved to Heaven and is in God's embrace. I'm sure that he looks down on all of us and continues to smile that warm smile of his. Your son will forever be remembered.
I only wish the best for you all and God bless.
Tyler Burdsall